

The 7th International Conference on Nation-Building 2023
“Human-Centred Development for Nation-Building”

June 21, 2023
Kompass Campus, Bangkok, Thailand

In the past few years, COVID-19 has led the global community to face one of the greatest multi-dimensional challenges of our lifetime. Although the current state of the epidemic is not as severe as it was at its outset, it is still not over. The outlook remains fragile and the path to recovery is slow and uncertain. Much will still depend on how the pandemic evolves. It is clear that in any eventuality, the economic and social cost of the pandemic will continue to be felt for years to come. Additionally, countries in the world are also facing various crises caused by climate change, problems of poverty and inequality, the effects of aging society, or being in the middle-income trap, all of which render certain countries potentially unable to enjoy a state of full well-being. Read More!

08:15 AM - 09:00 AM      Registration
09.00 AM - 09.05 AM      Welcoming Remarks:

Dato’ Dr. Jessie Tang,
Chairman of Nation-Building Institute Malaysia

09.05 AM - 09.15 AM      Opening Address:

H.E. Prayut Chan-o-cha,
Prime Minister of Thailand (represented by
H.E. Chuti Krairiksh, Minister of Social Development and Human Security of Thailand)

09.15 AM - 09.30 AM      Keynote Address:

Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen,
Prime Minister of Cambodia (represented by H.E. Dr Aun Pornmoniroth,
Deputy Prime Minister for Economy and Finance
                            of Cambodia)

09.30 AM - 09.40 AM      Keynote Address:

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO)

09.40 AM - 10.10 AM      Special Address:

Prof.  Dr. Kriengsak Chareonwongsak,
Chairman, Nation-Building Institute International, Thailand

10.20 AM - 10.40 AM      Break
10.40 AM - 11.50 AM      Session 1: Global Mega Trends to 2025 and the Implication for Nation-Building
11.50 AM - 12.00 PM      The Outstanding National Research Award

12.00 PM - 1.15 PM      Nation-Building Index

1.15 PM - 2.15 PM      Session 2: The Development of Human-Centred Economies to advance Economic Prosperity and Sustainability
2.15 PM - 3.15 PM      Session 3: The Development of a Human-Centred Society with greater Social Cohesion and Diversity
3.15 PM - 3.30 PM      Break
3.30 PM - 3.40 PM      Nation-Building University Index

3.40 PM - 4.40 PM      Session 4: The Development of Human-Centred Education Systems to enable Full Human Potential and Civility
4.40 PM - 5.30 PM      Session 5: The Development of Human-Centred Politics towards Political Freedom and Stability
5.30 PM - 5.40 PM      Closing Remarks:

5.40 PM - 6.00 PM      Break
6.00 PM - 8.00 PM      Award Ceremony for Nation-Building and World Setter Awards