Session 1: Designing Human-Centred Education to Promote Moral and Innovative Youth Leadership for Peace
The youth of a nation are the critical stakeholders for mobilizing communities in support of peacebuilding. To develop young people into leaders to take responsibility for the transformation of their communities into more peaceful societies is important. The better their morals values and innovation, the more effective and skilled they can become as peace builders in their own communities. Education is an important tool in shaping young people into good leaders. How to design human-centred education to promote moral and innovative youth leadership for peace will be discussed and the questions that are going to be addressed in this session are:
- What are the subjects/content that should be taught in schools to promote moral and innovative youth leadership?
- What are the teaching/learning methods that should be used in the classroom to promote moral and innovative youth leadership?
- What are the extracurricular activities that should be organized to promote moral and innovative youth leadership?
- What are the roles of teachers in promoting moral and innovative youth leadership?
- How should the public, private and public sector cooperate in designing human-centred education to promote moral and innovative youth leadership?
Moderator: Dr. Hezri Adnan, Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia

1. Prof. Tejendra Pherali,
Professor of Education, Conflict and Peace at UCL Institute of Education, University College London

2. Prof. Scherto Gill,
Director of Global Humanity for Peace Institute, University of Wales Trinity St David; Senior Fellow at the Guerrand-Hermes Foundation

3. Prof. Dr. Maria Hantzopoulos,
Professor of Education and Coordinator of Secondary Teacher Education, Vassar College and supervised in-service student teachers at Barnard College and Teachers College, Columbia University

4. Most Ven. Prof. Dr. Phra Brahmapundit,
Chief Abbot of Wat Prayurawongsawat, Member of the Supreme Sangha Council, Former Rector of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (represented by Ven. Prof.Dr. Phrakrupalad Pannavoravat, Director, International Buddhist Studies College)

5. Dr. David J. Smith,
President of the Forage Center for Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Education; Adjunct Faculty at George Mason University