Session 3: Key Issues to Drive Peace, Development and Nation-Building
Conflict and violence have a devastating impact on individuals, communities, and societies as a whole. Many countries and regions are facing ongoing conflicts or are emerging from them. Discussing how to promote peace and nation-building is crucial to reducing suffering, promoting stability and development, and leading to informed policy decisions and actions that can help prevent or resolve conflicts. Moreover, nation-building and peacebuilding is a complex process that requires the participation of various actors, including governments, civil society, the private sector, and international organizations. By discussing the key issues involved, it is possible to identify ways to promote cooperation and coordination among these actors to achieve peace and sustainable development. Example of issues that are going to be discussed are:
- What are the key factors that drive sustainable peace and nation-building?
- What are the key challenges to peacebuilding and nation-building, and what strategies can be used to overcome them?
- How can lessons from past peacebuilding efforts be applied to current and future efforts?
- What role do institutions such as the judiciary, media and civil society play in promoting peace and nation-building?
- How can cultural and religious differences be addressed in order to promote peace and nation-building?
Moderator: Dr. Chheang Vannarith, President of the Asian Vision Institute (AVI), Chairman of the Advisory Council of the National Assembly of Cambodia

1. Dr. Liz Carmichael,
St John’s College Coordinator of the Oxford Network of Peace Studies (OxPeace), University of Oxford

2. Adj. Prof. Andrew Russell,
Former United Nations Senior Advisor, Senior Expert in Peacebuilding and Organizational Change

3. Mr. M. Abdus Sabur,
President of Asian Resource Foundation (ARF) and General Secretary of Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN)

4. Mr. Chhem Siriwat William,
Director of the Centre for Inclusive Digital Economy at the Asian Vision Institute, Advisor to the Council for the Development of Cambodia

5. Dr. Shankaran Nambiar,
Director of Malaysian Institute of Economic Research