World Shaper Award
Wendy Kopp
CEO and Co-founder of Teach for All
Wendy Kopp is CEO and Co-founder of Teach For All and Founder of Teach For America Just before she finished her undergraduate studies, she proposed the valuable idea to help teach American minority groups in her thesis and, following her graduation, she founded Teach For America in 1989 to marshal the energy of her generation against educational inequity in the United States. For the 2019-20 school year, 6,190 corps members—outstanding recent college graduates and professionals of all academic disciplines—are in the midst of two-year teaching commitments in over 50 urban and rural regions. Since 1990, 62,000 Teach For America corps members have impacted millions of students across the country, many of them returning to teach in the communities in which they grew up. Eight out of ten alumni continue to work in education or in fields that impact the communities where students and their families live. Moreover, she expanded her work in a broader context by establishing “Teach For All”, a global network of independent organizations that are developing leadership in schools and communities to ensure all children have the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Teach For All has a presence in 56 countries over 6 continents.