Corporate Nation-Building Award (People Sector)
The Thai Red Cross Society
The Thai Red Cross Society has been a leading humanitarian organization dedicated to ensuring the safety and health of all Thai people for more than 126 years. The organization provides a variety of services to the public, including hospitals, a nursing school and ancillary facilities, and a rehabilitation centre, as well as various establishments for research and for organ and blood donation. The list of the organisations accomplishments is staggeringly impressive. It includes the following ongoing institutions and services.
The King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, which serves approximately 1.5 million outpatients and inpatients each year. The Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing, a major contributor to the education of qualified professional nurses since 1914. The Queen Sirikit Centre for Breast Cancer, established to pioneer research and provide services for breast cancer patients.
The Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre (Anonymous Clinic), the Thai Red Cross Rehabilitation Centre, and the First Aid and Health Care Training Centre all offer life-saving services to all people without discrimination. It also provides The Thai Red Cross Relief and Community Health Bureau, as well as the other 12 Thai Red Cross stations located throughout the country. There are Province Red Cross Chapters in all 76 provinces to help disaster victims, the poor, and the underprivileged. Every year, between 500,000 and 1,000,000 people are rescued. Every year, these Red Cross institutions, the National Blood Centre, the Thai Red Cross Eye Bank, the Organ Donation Centre, and the Queen Saovabha Memorial Institute provide blood for patients and organs for transplants including livers, eyes, kidneys and hearts. Additionally other biological products are produced, such as vaccines against various diseases, snake venom serum, and anti-rabies serum, all of which help patients to survive. The organization’s unwavering efforts and dedication are admirable, and have had, and continue to have, a significant impact on Thai society.