Session 3: Community Peace: Building Inclusive and Harmonious Societies while Addressing Disparity
This session focuses on the critical endeavor of nurturing inclusive and harmonious communities and societies at various levels, whether within local communities, across nations or on an international scale. The multifaceted reasons of conflict, including differences in beliefs, politics, economics, and more, will be delved into. Furthermore, the pressing issue of disparity will be addressed. Through the understanding and active effort to bridge these disparities, progress can be made towards a more equitable and tightly-knit social fabric, with peace and unity being fostered within and among communities. Read More!
- How can communities play a role in promoting social justice and addressing disparities within their respective societies?
- What are some effective strategies for fostering dialogue and understanding among diverse communities to build inclusive and harmonious societies?
- What are the key elements or values that contribute to a truly inclusive society, and how can they be promoted within communities?
- How can community-based initiatives and programs empower marginalized groups and promote equity and respect for all individuals?
- Which examples highlight a successful community-driven project or initiative that has effectively addressed disparities and promoted social harmony? What lessons can be learned from it?
- Are there specific cultural or historical factors that impact community peace-building efforts, and how can these factors be leveraged for positive change?

Dr. Theeraseth Patvarapong,
Former officer at the Ministry of Interior, Independent Executive and Leadership Coach

Important points:
- Unarmed civilian protection uses nonviolent methods to prevent violence and protect civilians in conflict areas.
- This approach is based on building relationships and interconnectivity rather than keeping people apart.
- Studies have shown significant reductions in violence where these methods are used, such as in Honduras and Mindanao.
- Local knowledge and community involvement are crucial for success.
1. Mr. Melvin Earl Duncan,
Founding Executive Director of Nonviolent Peaceforce, Switzerland or US

Important points:
- The "Great Acceleration" since 1950 has led to unprecedented human impacts on the Earth system.
- We need to shift from an "imperium of man" dominating nature to a more harmonious relationship.
- Rematerialization, reorientation towards bioregionalism, and rewilding are important strategies.
- A new deliberative democracy based on Buddhist concepts of non-fixed self could help foster dialogue.
2. Dr. Layne Hartsell,
Research Professor at the Asia Institute and at the Center for Science, Technology, and Society, Department of Philosophy, Chulalongkorn University

Important points:
- Modern development is destroying agricultural land and displacing poor communities.
- Our current lifestyle and consumption patterns are unsustainable and contribute to climate change.
- We need to decrease our greed and materialism to create more harmonious communities.
- Education and policy changes are needed, but personal lifestyle changes are also crucial.
3. Mr. M. Abdus Sabur,
Co-Director of International Institute of Peace and Development Studies (IIPDS), Secretary General of Asian Resource Foundation (ARF)

Important points:
- Childhood experiences of violence increase the likelihood of perpetrating violence as an adult.
- Exposure to violence can damage brain development, especially in the prefrontal cortex.
- Parenting programs like Parenting for Lifelong Health have been shown to reduce child abuse and improve mental health.
- These interventions can break the cycle of violence and contribute to more peaceful societies.
4. Dr. Amalee McCoy,
Lead and Co-Principal Investigator for the Parenting for Lifelong Health (PLH) Thailand Project at the Peace Culture Foundation

Important points:
- Conflict is not always negative; it's how we deal with it that matters.
- Capacity building for diverse groups in communities is crucial for fostering dialogue.
- We need to change ourselves and our attitudes to accept differences.
- Various community-based initiatives, from sports to storytelling, can help promote peace and understanding.
5. Dr. Vitoon Viriyasakultorn,
Former Deputy Director at the Rotary Peace Center at Chulalongkorn University

Important points:
- Global wealth inequality has reached extreme levels, with the richest 1% owning more than the bottom 99%.
- Neither pure capitalism nor socialism is the answer; we need a "third way" that combines elements of both.
- New economic models should prioritize people over profits and promote sufficiency rather than endless growth.
- Concrete projects like "Forest Towns" (Vanapuri), people's markets, and alternative retail chains could help create more equitable economic systems.
6. Dr. Vuthiphong Priebjrivat,
President of the Sahasswat Institute