
Session 1: Human-Centred System Development for Wellness

The health paradigm tends to shift from focusing on treating and solving specific health problems to focusing more on prevention and promotion of holistic health, known as “wellness.” However, the current health system focuses mainly on disease treatment and is structured according to specific areas of expertise. Conversely, wellness services focus on disease prevention and health promotion and are often alternative services that do not fall within the basic rights of the population.

Improving and developing the health system to achieve the goal of people’s wellness has important questions that should be discussed; for example:

  • How to integrate health care systems, which are often specialized silos, to be able to take care of individual health more holistically, without increasing the burden on providers?
  • How to integrate health care systems emphasizing modern medicine and alternative health services with different concepts, theories and approaches, and the opportunity for health services to become part of the services that are fundamental rights of the health service sector.
  • How to integrate cooperation between government affairs and public affairs to ensure equal access to essential health and wellness services for all citizens.

Moderator: Dr. Kirida Bhaopichitr, Director, TDRI Economic Intelligence Service (EIS), Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), Thailand


1. Prof. Chanchai Sittipunt, M.D.,
Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University

2. Prapa Wongpat, M.D,
Honorary Advisor Private Hospital Association, President of Thai Medical and Wellness Tourism Association (TMWTA)

3. Dr. Khwanchai Visithanon, M.D.,
Deputy Director-General, Department for Development of Thai traditional and Alternative Medicine, Ministry of Public Health 

4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Orapitchaya Sriwannopas,
Ramathibodi’s Division of Geriatrics Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, The Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University

5. Dr. Nopporn Cheanklin,
Executive Director of Health Systems Research Institute (HSRI), Thailand