
Session 3: Human-Centred Education and Competency Development for Wellness

Illnesses are often caused by non-communicable or behavioral diseases.  Preserving, preventing and promoting health is increasingly a shared responsibility between providers and clients.   Due to the COVID pandemic and technological developments, people have become more health conscious. 

Developing the capacity of people, caregivers and communities to take responsibility for their own health and wellness, and developing mechanisms that facilitate collaboration between providers, clients, and other health and wellness stakeholders is a key factor to develop participation and distribution of responsibility.

  • To develop knowledge and skills in health and wellness, what should the standards and formats be for transferring knowledge and skills to the people, families and communities so they can be more competent in their health and wellness?
  • Some people may have knowledge of wellness but do not want to change their behavior and way of life. Therefore, what incentives can be provided to persuade such people to change their behavior and way of life in order to reap the benefits of wellness?
  • In order to improve people’s access to health and wellness services thoroughly, should there be any guidelines or tools to empower people, families, communities and the people’s sector in forming collaboration and, distributing responsibility in providing health and wellness services?

Moderator: Ms Wei Su Hwa, Founder and Managing Director of Otti Sdn Bhd., Malaysia


1. Dr. Faten Ben Abdelaziz,
Head of the Enhanced Wellbeing Unit in the Department of Health Promotion at the World Health Organization Headquarters (WHO)

2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chanuantong Tanasugarn,
Director of Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Megacity under the Yothi Medical Innovation District, Ministry of Higher Education, Sciences, Research and Innovation

3. Asst. Prof. Dr. Pansak Sugkraroek,
Eminent Member of the International Society of Wellness, Committee of The Medical Council of Thailand, Directorial Chairman of the Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Wellness for Nation-Building Programme